research - prototyping
Partnered with the College of Pharmacy to perform qualitative and quantitative research to produce an initial user interface design for an electronic health record (EHR) application to facilitate the management of heart failure.
January - April 2019
I was part of the UX research team and I conducted observations, interviews, and made a prototype.
Kelly Murdoch-Kitt, MGD
Denise Anthony, PhD
Juan Arzac, Developer
Adrian Choi, Researcher
Observations, contextual inquiries, interviews, prototyping
Heart failure (HF) is the most common hospital discharge diagnosis among older adults in the United States.
The management of HF patients is evolving from the traditional model of face-to-face follow-up visits toward a proactive real-time technological model of assisting providers to more efficiently care for patients in the community.
Nationally, over
of patients are readmitted to the hospital within 1 year following their first admission for heart failure
The proposed project will establish a user-centered electronic health record clinical decision support application for HF that can improve patient care by optimizing evidence-based medical therapy and allowing quick response to clinical worsening.
Qualitative Study
of observations focusing on the providers use of the EHR for taking care of HF patients
4 nurses
1 physician
1 resident
Michigan Medicine
VA Hospital Ann Arbor
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit
VA Hospital Ann Arbor
What we observed:
The tools inside and outside the EHR they use to take care for patients
Tools they use to streamline their workflow taking care of a patient
The pain points in using their EHR system to take care of HF patients
The time it takes to review a patient in the EHR
Extensive use of the “notes” and subjective information about the patient;
A lot of information to find/fill while talking to a patient;
Information from other systems are hard to get;
Nurses/Pharmacists/Physicians each focus on different information;
The system does not remind when to follow up with a patient;
Patients forget recommendations.
Specific goals for the application
Less scrolling to use and find information on “Notes”;
Less clicks to find results from exams;
Make it easier to compare exams results and notes while talking to the patient.
Wireframing: low fidelity wireframes based on the initial sketches that accomplished the goals for the application better.
Card-based design, rearrangeable according to provider needs, which may vary for each patient. Easy access to objective and subjective information.
On the left side, a similar structure of the current notes, but with bookmarks. Card-based design on the right, for the objective information.
I decided to go forward with this one because its structure is more familiar to the providers.
Style guide
Prototype: high fidelity clickable prototype, created with Adobe Xd
Interaction flow
The prototype focus in the opportunity areas by having the objective (graphics, test results) and subjective (notes) data in the same space.
Last visit selected, exams to be updated
Social history selected
Last visit selected, exams to be updated